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t = # 1 + # 2 = t / d = c / fd

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

t = # 1 + # 2 = t / d = c / fd


Brazilian, professor, researcher, theorist, graduate in philosophy.
Street Itabira - No 5, Rosa da Penha, Cariacica, Espírito Santo, Brazil.


Work Joined at the National Library. Brazil - copyright.

Contributor - Marcio Rangel Piter.
Part of this work was sent to the Brazilian Journal of Physics, the SBF. For publication.

Physics Graceli desconservativa.
Graceli unified theory.
Graceli procedural universe and the source continued.

In a world where energy is a process of breakdown and disintegration.

And reaggregation and aggregations continued, then the nature of the physical universe, chemistry, astronomy, aspaçonômico, biological, and even reality become not conservative. Where energy and momentum are not conserved.
And where the dynamics has its first cause in terms of energy-dense source space consisting of magneto graceli [which has a field of action and unite the space itself].

For the magneto graceli is the primary field of action and attraction of aggregation, which produces the origin of field-energy-matter [physical uniqueness Graceli].

Formula for calculating translational towards the magnetic energy of the system graceli.

In = Energy = magnetic cross action in space and within matter.
Action = transverse translation.

At t = Action = transverse translation = at = t = # 1 + # 2 / d = c / fd
In = magnetic energy.
Fd = factor decreasing with c or d = [distance].
D = distance.
C = speed of light.
The distance in minutes of the speed of light from the sun to the earth is 8 minutes, then use graceli minutes instead of seconds for the speed of light.
And the result of the translational velocity of the planets will be used latter, because the values ​​are best known in seconds.
For the sun's magnetism graceli uses the value being 1,000 per round number, however, the volume of the sun in relation to the volume of the earth is 1400.

And also the magnetism varies, therefore, varies by positioning the disks graceli and internal rotation of the magnetic pole itself.

Mercury = 1,000 + 1 / 3.12 / 6.6 = 48 km / second.
Venus = 1,000 + 1 / 5.7 / 4.4 = 39.8
Earth = 1,000 + 1/8 / 4.1 = 30.4
Mars = 1,000 + 1 / 12.16 / 3.2 = 24.8
Jupiter = 1,000 + 50/40/2 = 13.1
Saturn = 1,000 + 50/76 / 1.4 = 9.8
Uranus = 1,000 + 1/150 = 6.6
Neptune = 1,000 + 1/240 = 4.1
Pluto +1 = 1000/316 = 3.1 km / second.

Since the first constant represents the magnetic energy between the two planets.

The second is the speed of light in the distance.

And the third is an index of decreasing progression which varies from 1.5 to 1.2.

Thus, as with a bowl filled with water which seeps through an outlet in the center and the output is deeper than the edge can be observed that the further from the bowl translation and rotation is smaller and larger, and when the basin will accelerate the emptying rotational movement between changes in rotation and translation becomes increasingly diminishing.

This happens with the movements of the planets, we see that Mercury and Venus rotation has negligible proportion in the translation, as vai moving away from the sun and from the earth on the rotation of the planets becomes increasing and decreasing translation. This can be confirmed with all the planets and satellites.

But this follows other parameters that have been treated in the system graceli of astronomy and astronomy phases and tracks and layers graceli. [See published on the Internet].

1 - Thus, the magnetic energy system of astronomy is more general, because in addition to base translational motion as the primary longitudinal and transversal, and not an action Attraction [centripetal action] it has transverse to the primary action. The words, the action is not the attraction, but to release sides. And following a chirality generally becomes eastward.

2 - Another point is the rotation. That has already been addressed above.

3 - Another rationale is alignment, producing tracks graceli, both internal and external, for the alignment occurs by direct action of the magnetic poles in production within a system of parity motion of two extremes for a plan online disc or shaft, where they are produced alignment, ecliptic, rings, flattening, belts atmospheric equator magnetic poles within the stars and space.

4 - Another point is the recession, is now known that all the stars are in recession [progressive separation].

5 - Another point are the electron and star jumps.
6 - Other movements are transverse to the rotation and oscillatory translational and transverse as in the case of the moon.

7 - Another point is the quantum oscillations of electrons, protons, stars and galaxies.

8 - Another point are the formations and spherical shapes, rings, belts and atmospheric as those of Jupiter.

Physics Graceli.

Movements curvilinear variables not uniform.
Unstable movements. Vibratory and oscillatory.
Action and not cross Attraction.
Movement that does not rely on strength or releases, but their own power and interaction systems.
The move is part of the nature of energy and matter. Energy = movement hence all the energy is in motion, and if whole body consists energy thus whole body is motion itself. This is confirmed in the movements of electrons, protons and gases under pressure.

Relativity Graceli movement.
1 - Very close to gravitational system [Attraction] depends on forces to produce the movement to break the force of gravitational attraction.

Physics Graceli. THE LAWS OF PHYSICS five GRACELI.
2 - Out of close proximity of gravitational bodies, which govern the movement itself and the body's energy system and graceli magnetic, and the movement becomes natural for energy, and transverse [translational] by transverse magnetic action.
Out of a magnetic system a body produce its own motion [see theory of stages graceli].
In the vicinity of a magnetic system a system will act on another system producing a translational movement.
The essence of the physical nature is dynamic and not rest or inertia. A star body or by its very nature always seeks not be at rest or inertia. But, always dynamic.

Therefore, the motion is relative to its origin and cause.

3 - He may be straight or curved and. Variable or constant uniform.

4 - Within systems with high energy and slightly distancing the vibratory motion becomes independent of external forces. THAT IS, THE MOVEMENT IS NOT NOR curvilinear and rectilinear NEITHER BUT NOT DEPEND OF FORCES, AND IS INTENSE AND VARIATION crappy.

5 - As the positioning can have several types of movements, such as chiral and parity tracks produced by magnetic graceli.

What are transverse oscillatory movement and latitudinal Translational the source system.

Universe source continued.
In a world where energy is a process of breakdown and disintegration.

And reaggregation and aggregations continued, then the nature of the physical universe, chemistry, astronomy, aspaçonômico, biological, and even reality become not conservative. Where energy and momentum are not conserved.
And where dynamic has its first cause in the matter-energy source in the dense space consisting of magneto graceli [which has a field of action and unite the space itself].

For the magneto graceli is the primary field of action and attraction of aggregation, which produces the origin of field-energy-matter [physical uniqueness Graceli].

Where dense space produces a densified structure, which may be either the material as energy. And the magnet produces graceli action agglomerate and aggregate the dense space. That is, the energy field and has a primordial nature [that is the magnet graceli] together with the structural nature [that is densified matter].

With that energy, momentum, and charges are not conserved - disintegrate into processes. While new agents - the dense space and magneto graceli are in agglutination.

With this we have a universe of renewable disintegration and reintegration and agglutination continued. [See graceli theory of the universe continued].

The universe continued source confirmed the abundance of light elements, where over ninety-nine percent are hydrogen and helium. Also with the homogeneity of the cosmic background radiation throughout the universe.

And the universe is crumbling confirms where distant from their primary stars are cooler and less dynamic.
And in large processes with high temperatures there is a disintegration of field-energy-matter-loads [graceli uniqueness]. Loads and actions as fields has the energy density, dispersamento and positioning in relation graceli transverse bands [see graceli laws for chemistry and physics].

Thus we have the uniqueness graceli, and not a theory of conservation, a universe of origin and a continuing procedural universe.

Graceli geometry of movement relative indeterminate, for reference in motion, dimensional, and exponential.
Imagine a dog with its owner on each side of a field, when the dog is loose and goes to the owner, the owner shall run the flush side of the field. With that the dog develops a differential movement, and varies with each acceleration that the two develop.
Imagine the earth rotating.
In relation to a moving reference frame variable.
With this we have a differential geometry, relative, indeterminate and the myriad tiny variabilities. [We have at this point, another theory indeterminalidade Graceli, and other theories already published by indeterminalidade graceli].

And we have a dimensional geometry then it also depends on all twenty graceli dimensions.

This variability also occurs with the exponential geometry. As already mentioned by graceli - is the geometry of jumps and releases snapshots.
Or big ends, as sea urchins. Arms of sea stars, launches Leiser ray beams, photons and fireworks.

However, this geometry also undergoes variations according systems movement.
Becoming relative, variable, dimensional relative and indefinite. [For a better understanding see the geometries of graceli - published on the Internet].

Graceli theory of uniqueness and indeterminalidade separate and joint.
We have at this point a uniqueness graceli - encompassing phenomenon, dimensions, geometry and observers and perception [knowledge]. And a indeterminalidade graceli regarding the sum of phenomena, the sum of dimensions and their variability, and infinite sum of observers.
[Thus being and reality, as well as knowledge are one, indefinite cosmic and temporal].
Theory graceli energy-unified field.

If a person rotate a spin on a magnetic field at a distance, this mixer will not fall while in rotation. And maintaining that distance will be maintained as the intensity of the magnetic field. And if a person passing the hand between the mixer and the magnetic field, the spinning top will not fall and will have no change in their rotation.
This magnetic layers are graceli. The same happens with the stars.
That is, the gravitational field not only has the particularity of gravity, but also magnetic.
Why the phenomenon occurs graceli systems within systems. That is where the primary loads the secondary space, and is loaded by the primary that produced it.

and we can say that the system consists of three basic components graceli.
1 - The primary star and its energy-field that was produced.
2 - The space between - with tiny action. Almost a void.
3 - And the layers graceli - which is a circle where the mixer [or astros] remains in its rotation and translation around and on this circle.

And with gravity taking more of an action than just the attraction. Well, we see the theories of graceli that gravity also has the action of repulsion. Well, this is confirmed by the evaporation of gases. That is, tiny bodies, scattered and sparse are not attracted, but repelled. Ie depend on the chemical nature and structural, and size of the bodies that gravity and magnetism perform their actions.

Or rather, gravity has the three actions of magnetism. That is, they are one or the other is the complement. That is, or gravity itself is a magnetism [-field energy being graceli], or both [magnetism and gravity] act together.
[Graceli developed formulas using only magnetism, and which was published on the Internet].

So if a person or machine cast a spear in space, their movement is always curved and variable. That is, nature in its essence is not rectilinear and uniform.

Thus we have the curved nature of the action and variable phenomena, dimensions and produces a curved geometry, variable, differential, and indeterminate. Soon, not uniform.

Physics graceli of action at a distance.

1 - The example of spinning on a rotating magnetic field.
2 - And the pool being emptied by an outlet in the center of the pool where small balls that float in the pool illustrate the physical and graceli.

The first example that nature reflects in essence acts at a distance without the action of others, and that the movement is in the nature where there is inertia, rest and uniform rectilinear motion.
And the second example serves to illustrate astronomical phenomena. Where the rotation decreases when near large centers [systems] in translation, which is what happens with Mercury and Venus.
However, there is variation when ascending and descending passes through the tracks and layers graceli [this has been treated in the theory of stages of graceli].

That is, the physical system graceli is dynamic, not inertial, curvaceous, and variable, unified and indeterminate.

The physical graceli is its mechanical physical chemistry.
[Depending on the chemical and physical nature a body can be attracted or repelled [evaporation]. Or may not be repelled nor attracted [as in the case of a spinning top rotating about the magnetic system]. Well, the mixer is in motion transverse to the magnetic system, so the system would not act in a centripetal action on the rotation of the spinning top.

Thus, in the example of the mixer rotating distance we have the theory graceli for planetary motion distance. Where the action is greater than cross the attractive and repelling. The action of repelling found both in evaporation as the movement of the stars and disks recession. Actually it's not just evaporation, but also small particles of radiation are expelled into space and not attracted.

Thus, the magnetic system of graceli determines that all motion is curved, variable and uncertain.

[A universe in many ways, and various elements can only have one source continued. Where old and new meet [light and heavy elements, spherical shapes, discs, rings, spirals, clusters of gases]].

Thus we have the physics and astronomy graceli of three actions, which are found in magnetism. Since the main and more intense is the transverse produces the rotation, translation and transverse movements graceli.

The magnetic system of graceli confirms the experience of the pool being emptied. [See above and elsewhere].
Where the rotation of objects diminishes progressively when very close to the center of the pool, and increases progressively translation. And the opposite happens when too far from the center of the pool.
[This happens with the planets, of course, obeying the system graceli theory and astronomical phases graceli]. As there are astronomical phases cosmic phases [of formations and dynamic orbits].
Thus we have the physical magnetic graceli three actions. [Attracting, repelling action, action and launched across producing rotation, translation, and transverse movements rotation and translation].

These three actions occur in stars, atoms, rings, belts atmospheric [in the case of Jupiter], occurs inside and outside the astro astro taking action on fundamental movements thermal, magnetic poles, earthquakes, and other phenomena.

The action occurs also cross trains that use magnetism and lean not on track. In this example we have a great weight being supported by rotation and magnetism without touching the rails.

The transverse action is that the system makes it occurs in systems, ie the satellite that in addition to its translational primary, secondary has its translational around the sun. Where systems accompanying systems into space.
If the satellite is under the action of transverse magnetic planet, and cross under the action of the sun, and under the action cross the galaxy [tertiary translation].
That is what produces the movement is not the action of attraction [centripetal action], but the transverse magnetic action. For, if the action of attraction would all be very close to or forming a single ball.
So while the transverse magnetic graceli action produces the transverse movements [rotation and translations], the action of repulsion produces the recession [distance], because it is this action that produces the distance between the stars.
While the action of attraction has only very close to the action star and on larger bodies, and less rarefied.

With the double transverse magnetic action can occur because the ground the three translations - primary, secondary, and tertiary.

And can you explain the chirality east.

Some of the fundamentals of astronomy are graceli.

1 - The Astronomy graceli rests with the evolution of matter passing through phases of evolution forming, structuring and developing the shapes of the orbits and rotations, while developing. And shapes of stars, rings, spirals, and others.

2 - And while developing in its structuring process of forming balls and disks and systems fisicológicos [domestic [in the star]] moves away [movement of recession] undergoing phases [phase systems of graceli], and determining the progression of distance between the secondary.

3 - Another point is that the energy and magnetism in the production of a system quimicista physicist and determine the movements and shapes of discs-stars. Where are the main movements - first recession after the motion produced by the action cross.

4 - Another movements are transverse to the rotation and translation, such as the transverse oscillatory and bamboleios. That is, we have to cross the originator and the transverse movements.

5 - And the system graceli planning and discoficação are replaced importance. And that occurs through the action of the tracks graceli while away.

6 - And the star is replaced by a much larger size than their diameter limits only with matter, because the star becomes a hard-sphere system and has a range of magnetic energy that goes thousands of miles beyond its materiality. And this extension is both in the form of layers [layers graceli] as the bands [bands graceli].

7 - And with tracks movements arise graceli parity [of extremes for a center] forming disks energy both inside and outside of the stars, and that produces the movement of the magnetic poles in and out of the stars, rings, belts atmospheric [where Jupiter], the spiral galaxies and flattening [planning] systems of stars, atoms and galaxies and clusters.

8 - Other movements which produces the magnetic system are chiral [accompaniments moves to one side] and tracking movements of systems over systems.

9 - Another point is the unity between phenomena and dimensions [the twenty dimensions graceli]. Where the phenomenon itself determines the size, graceli cites as an example the potential energy.

10 - Another point is the indeterminalidade graceli and relativity.

11 - Another point is the relative phase of structuring bodies and stars, stars of forms, shapes of orbits and rotations, and all the dynamics related to chemistry and its evolution. [Second phase system [phases relations]. The first phase graceli system is in relation to expulsion phases and that the stars and their orbits pass].

It is the 12-cafq graceli [see published on the internet], and phenomena related to positioning in relation graceli tracks where the postings are made of photons, electrons and stars [the words, another type of motion].

12 - Chemistry and physics become part of each other. For the decay occurs as the energy and position, and the energy and decay depend on the chemical nature of which is the element. [System of physics and chemistry graceli].

And the universe and astronomy depend on its nature and this relationship [see cafq graceli].

13 - The universe is seen by continuous phase systems, where old and new coexist, this is explained by the endless forms of planetary systems, galaxies, clusters. For the abundance of light elements [over ninety-nine center light] and diversity of elements.
14 - So we now have three phase systems graceli.
The in-phase relationship as they pass by the physical and chemical. For the development chemist and physicist determine fisicologia, the system physicist, astronomy, physical, chemical, and cosmological. As well as the ways that galaxies pass.
The b-phase development that occurs as the shapes of stars as they depart [graceli structuring system and astronomy].
And the c-phase system astronomical [lanes and layers graceli] because while away the orbits go through phases, dynamic planning, eccentricity, reverse movements continued, variations of energy and magnetism. As well as the disintegration and potential internal and external energy of the star.

There are other points that graceli not related here, but can be found in articles by the same author.
We in paragraph 15 of the three categories graceli passing phases of the universe cafq.

The magnetic action has three ways of acting.
1 - Attracting when very close.
2 - a distance repulsion [out].
3 - E launches sideways - this is confirmed in the rotation, translation and transverse movements graceli bamboleios.

System of graceli energeticidade, magnetism, tracks and layers graceli, planning, unity among phenomena, dimensions, and observation geomentria [knowledge], and indeterminalidade graceli phenomenal relativity.

Graceli phase systems.
The d-phase relationship as they go through the physical and chemical. For the development chemist and physicist determines fisicologia graceli, the system physicist, astronomy, physical, chemical, and cosmological. As well as the ways that galaxies pass. As the chemical evolution of galaxies and physical structure and change their ways and dynamics.
The e-phase development that occurs as the shapes of stars as they depart [graceli structuring system and astronomy and energeticidade].
And the f-phase system astronomical because while away the orbits go through phases, dynamic, energy and magnetism. As well as the disintegration and potential internal and external energy of the star. Passing lanes and layers graceli while away.
g-Phase Systems and fisicológico physicist - as the chemical stage, structuring and placement of phenomena within a star which occurs with physical and chemical characteristics. That is, within the star's own physics and chemistry of the system, and other internal equatorial plane physics and chemistry [cafq graceli], another toward the poles, including the magnetic poles.
In another atmosphere physics and chemistry, and in dense space around another star physics and chemistry. [See theory of relativity to conditions and positions].
h-system phases of magnetic currents, thermal, seismic, ring formations and atmospheric formations belts.
i-Systems planning stages and flattened disc, and formation of spiral galaxies.
j-The primary structure [the dense space] action primordial [Magneto graceli] produce physics and chemistry - so we have a physical chemist graceli - which determines the physical chemistry and chemical physics determines, and both produce energy , and being the physical and chemical nature of magneto graceli already made along with the energy they produce magnetism.
That is, the system graceli is not a system of forces, but a physical and chemical energy, to produce a system of magnetic action.

And what follows this order.
1-primary components - space and dense magneto graceli.
2 - Nature physical chemistry.
3 - Energy.
4 - Magnetism.

And these four components graceli that produces all other phenomena, forms, structures, sockets, processes, decays, fields and loads, dynamic, bamboleios, discs, spheres, rings, belts atmospheric tracks and layers graceli, spirals and planning, etc..

Thus, the system is not a system graceli physical means or forces at a distance, but a system that follows a system with four primary components and action.

The energy that is produced by chemical, physical and active magnetism magnetism that will act on other phenomena.

That is, the active energy magnetism that is part of nature's own energy in its primordial form.

Thus, astronomy, physics, chemistry and cosmology [cafq] graceli are structured according to the four components graceli primordial cosmic.

With Aristotle we have a sense of strength and physical environment, with Newton we have the notion of force, with Einstein have the notion of space geometry of curved space where the stars would slip.

With graceli have the notion of the four primordial cosmic components. And twenty physical dimensions, where the dimensions are produced by physical phenomena and these in turn were produced by cosmic graceli four primary components. And the dimensions are variable and relative, and energy-related, movement and potential.
That is, the dimensions are related to physical phenomena and has its origin and the same action. Therefore, the dimensions are physical, and are in turn are united among themselves and with the phenomena thus are also variable, relative and indeterminate. And following the unification graceli phenomenal.

The system determines that graceli.
The stars are not attracted or would slip, but are thrown sideways [across [movements of rotation, translation and cross] and out [Release recessionário] within a system of magnetic energy. The system itself in space consists of magnetic energy.

Released recessionários are found with greater intensity on the heels of electrons, photons and stars the galaxies, where jumps do not occur, but releases.
So we have two key players acting - the energy and magnetism.

System cafq graceli physical chemist magnetic energy.

Where releases are produced by the energy, and transverse movements are produced by the energy and all energy system acts on physical chemical phenomena and processes, causes and effects.

Thus, the system differs from graceli theory of gravitation [with centripetal action of appeals] and relativity [the Superstars slide a false curved space].

While the system graceli throws out, it produces the movement in essence already transversely and is related to the physical chemistry, energy and magnetism. And it is an action of systems and not on systems of stars on stars.

That is, the inner nature of matter determines the nature of external phenomena.

And can give rise to a cause and magnetic phenomena and structures [matter]. Through the space formed dense magnet graceli, ie magnetism part of primordial nature.

Thus we have a physical grounded in chemistry, physics, energy, magnetism and tracks and layers graceli, which aims to support and explain all phenomena - quantum, chemical, physical, fisicológicos, magnetic poles, astronomical, cosmological etc..

As heels, anomalous movements of galaxies, spirals, shapes, rings, planning etc. .. That is, it has to be a theory with greater scope to explain all the phenomena.

Graceli laws of mechanics.

1 - Within a system of energy and magnetism whole body is subject to change motion, with releases, oscillations, vibrations, and variations bamboleios, rotations and flows. And that vary the intensity of energy and magnetism.
This is confirmed in quantum physics, astronomy and cosmology.
2 - Every body within a system of energy and magnetism [fields] is moving itself and the system itself. So with this there is rest, inertia, momentum, or rectilinear uniform motion.

You can look at the sky, and see the atoms in motion.

3 - The speed at which a body falls toward the earth depends on the physical and chemical nature of it, because, as it can evaporate or not. That is, a container filled with boiling water descends with part of the water liquid as part will evaporate and will not have the same inertial velocity. This breaks with the principle of inertia. And the equivalence of gravity - this inertia in general relativity.
4 - The tendency of bodies at a distance is not drawn, but thrown out and to the sides, so that the movements of translation, rotation and transverse graceli are sideways. And there is the movement releases photons, electrons and stars, and movements of recession [slowly drifting apart that determines the position of the stars distancial]. A close range they are drawn at a distance beyond they become repulsed [driven] out. E launched horizontally.

Thus, while the Newton astronomy relates to gravity. And Einstein's cosmology is related to the geometry of curved space and a pseudo equivalence inertia-gravity.
In astronomy, physics and cosmology graceli are related to chemical, energy and magnetism. And action tracks and layers graceli planning that produces cosmic and planetary atmospheric belts, rings, ecliptic, etc..

Principle graceli for long distances for training.

The time of formation during training, while the secondary moves away from the time of formation and movement away determines the distance thereof.
For that the progression between Jupiter and Mars be larger than the other planets. For Jupiter for being a planet much bigger than mars had more time forming and coalescing material in its structure, while agglutinated matter and walked away.
We got to this point because of the distance of the stars.
The movement recessionário [expulsion].
The origin of the primary.

Cafq graceli desconservativa and indeterminate.
E depends on the chemical and physical nature of it, therefore, can climb [evaporate or be launched into space], or down, or be horizontal and transverse movements and translational, or even movement in all directions - when a balloon gas bursts, we have only the internal energy breaking space on all sides. With this inertia disappears, and the equivalence inertia - gravity no longer needs.
And it breaks the inertia and the foundations of general relativity, where the stars would slip a supposed curve of geometric space.

That is, without a physical inertia, without conservation of energy and momentum, where movements can be anywhere, anytime, any intensity and shape.

We thus cafq graceli desconservativa and indeterminate.
And the movement of the gas bubble at the time of the explosion will be exponential, where the scale of surge potential energy compared to the dense space dimension, as well as the dimension of movement.
And graceli geometry gives rise to exponential variable and indeterminate.
And the theory cafq graceli indeterminalidade freedom of movement and the energy and magnetism and graceli tracks and layers, and chemistry.
Where movement may be in any direction with change of form and intensity. So libertarian, exponential variable on and indeterminate, and where unified phenomenon with size, geometry and perception and knowledge, reality [philosophy].

This produces the geometry and the twenty free graceli graceli dimensions related to energy and physicality. Thus we have the twenty indeterminate dimensions and variables. With free forms as energy and magnetism that determine them.

Thus we have a uniqueness in cafq graceli free and phenomenal, with twenty dimensions and geometry, and the perception [theory of knowledge indeterminate].

And a reality variable and indeterminate. Where is not enough to be structured in a very small time.

To graceli the concepts of force, mass, inertia, weight disappear and enters the concept of energy, chemistry, magnetism and placement in the bands graceli.

For a particle becomes determined by its energy and not by its mass, because the same mass can have different energies.

And energy is related to movement, so the physical universe is dynamic and non-inertial.

And depending on the chemical structure of a molecule it can go up or down, or as the agent [graceli tracks at a time or energy explosion or releases cross] it can go sideways.

And as positioning within the ranges may be a graceli orbital swing back and forth, like the swaying graceli.

The energy also produces magnetism and magnetism part of primordial matter, energy has the possibility of launching electrons, photons and stars. Besides producing vibrations and oscillations and pulses in a particle flows.

That is, the energy along with magnetism, chemistry and tracks graceli become the foundation of mechanical graceli.

While mass is related to density and quantity [diameter], inertia and gravity movements, weight with gravity. And the concept of force is no longer needed.

And the mechanics graceli enters the concept of action potential and magnetic potential energy, chemical and structural positioning in relation to the tracks and layers graceli.

And centripetal and centrifugal force is no longer necessary, because the stars far from its elementary schools continue to produce curved movements, or even the stars without having a primary center continues to produce a curved movement therefore the curved nature of the movement is in energy and the effect of chirality.
That is, there is a centripetal action, but cross-sectional, it can be confirmed mainly in rotational movements. And releases.

While bands graceli that produces and transverse oscillatory movements and bamboleios we movements parity extreme plan for a line in a magnetic disk space in space.

That is, the shape of motion is variable and indeterminate and may be any one.

That is, another mechanic to another reality in which we find ourselves.
As well as anomalous movements of galaxies.

In the three magnetic system actions graceli. And what can be proven through the motions and movements of the magnetic poles of Jupiter's atmospheric belts.

What actions are. Attraction, repulsion, and transversality for magnetic and non-gravitational effects.

This effect can be demonstrated transverse with a mixer rotating on a magnetic field, and remains on until finishing the pulse rate that has been employed. That is, the magnetism does not let the mixer rotating approach and contact with the body that produces magnetism. That is, at this point we have one of the causes of transverse movements - rotation, translation and transverse movements, and bamboleios bands graceli.

Another point is that the stars are moving away from the primary - producer.

Thus, the satellites do not plummet towards earth by magnetic system that produces transversal action and not just attraction, and satellites accompanying the rotational movement of the earth, like a great physical environment where the dense space is an extension of star, and it is. And this physical medium is in rotation and translation with the movement of chirality [de direction of movement]. This can be seen in the movements of kites in the thermals movements, earthquakes, magnetic pole atmospheres, the auroras, and also the movements of rings and Jupiter's atmospheric belts.
In other words, the star and its extension magnetic energy space has action and chiral cross and removal.
That is, we can not give an example of a stone quarry in a string and rotated producing centripetal force, because what we see is the very nature of producing and acting on the transverse movements.
Where the essence of the nature of the movement is to be bent, be cross and keep in expulsion. For several centuries is already measured the distance from the earth and the moon, both with less than a meter a year, seems small, but this is what determines the distance of the stars.

That is, for the magnetic system of graceli centripetal action does not occur, where the stars were constantly tending Attraction, occur where the translation - that is if the transverse motion.

But if this were true any difference between the transverse motion and centripetal action [translational] some stars would have joined [ie have to be an accurate equalized to maintain the centripetal action and the production of translation, and this was not confirmed in no comment until today. That is, for this to be true and have the opportunity to join two spheres. Well, never found two balls together forming a single star.
But, as is confirmed by the experience and telescopic observations is that satellites do not fall toward the earth and accompanying the rotational movement of the earth. That is, we have at this point and follow the transverse movement and rotational chiral. Proving system graceli extension of cosmic space and magnetic stars.

Another point is that the stars in addition to the removal [recession], and that can be confirmed in all stars.

Is that all the stars are moving transverse [rotation, translation, lateral rotation and transverse to translation, oscillating transverse cross bamboleios rotation and translation].

The movement is the movement graceli swaying back and forth to the east and west, north, south, south east, west note, etc.. it is, a swaying movement upward and downward. This movement primarily occurs with the moon and the earth.

So we graceli astronomy and transverse magnetic action recessionary.

Thus, the nature of the movement is not uniform and can have any shape and variation actually is the nature of the movement being relative to their conditions in which it is, because it can be vibratory pulsed oscillatory variable, wobble, Differential etc.. soon, this relativity breaks the inertia of motion.

Graceli principle of equalization for non centripetal action at a distance.

If you take the earth and the moon, we see that when the moon is in the new moon phase is closer to the sun, so it should be acted centripetal always greater when the moon was new, and each new moon phase should be approaching the sun, and it does not. Actually the moon and earth are in expulsion - the land of sun, moon and earth.
That is, in the new moon phase would be a breach of the equalization of centripetal action, with the moon in each cycle ever closer, and this does not happen.

But actually what happens is transversal systems and extension of the rotating magnetic systems, where some are under the action of another cross. For that accompanies chirally earth, the sun and moon chirally accompany them.

That is, the nature of the movement is not being followed and centripetal inertia, but be non-uniform, non-inertial and be variable and relative to the system, and be cross and recessionário.

In graceli system where what prevails are the transversal and movement recessionário, we see that energy is fundamental action, such as magnetism and tracks and layers graceli.

Where other bands produce movements such as oscillatory bamboleios.
And the energy with positioning can throw photons, electrons, stars producing spirals.
And graceli layers are crucial phases in the movements and the movements of the stars, because the rotation is increased up to a limit within the layers graceli becomes decreasing from this limit. [See illustration of movements within a pool being emptied].

Other changes occur with the inclinations, eccentricities, accelerations parity oscillations within the ranges graceli, and accelerations of bamboleios.

This proves that indeed have an extension of star space to an outside edge, and which is determined and produced by the same energy.

Thus we have the system of graceli extensions within systems in rotation and translation.

First Law graceli.
The action is not related to the center of the star, but in any system, and system of systems, which carries the stars that are in the system, including the system in rotational and translational motion on other systems, so that the satellites follow planets, the sun and the planets, and satellites suffer little influence of the sun, even circling around the sun.

That is, the magnetism produces transverse movement and fills the space around with his action, and that action is more cross [sideways] and unattractive, and acting on the system in which other stars are.
Thus, the nature of the relative motion is to be nonuniform and therefore depends on the conditions and actions on it. For, as we have seen movement can take any form, whether joint or jumps, or oscillatory, etc..

Second law - the movement of any body or system of forces depend therefore every body system or are made of energy, and all energy is dynamic. Soon, the movement is part of the nature of energy and matter.

Third Law - for every action can not exist in equal and opposite action. For if a magnetic system can produce a shift with some intensity and not get back even one percent of the action that employed for that shift. This can be seen in the displacement of satellites around the planet and the planet around the sun, where all the stars are within the system spatial magnetic sun. And the sun keeps everyone as if it were part of their own system and prolonging magnetic energy space, ie, as if all were part of your body, and it is. And ninety percent of the movements are side [as rotation, translation and cross, while the recession is out [walking away]].

Fourth law - the average distance of a planet to the sun can be calculated taking into account the diameter of the same training and the same time with the movement of recession. For the same diameter as it took longer and was graduating and has greater speed of recession, why there is a greater progression between Jupiter and Mars, therefore, reflects the difference in diameter in training time and speed of removal. This can be confirmed from some satellites. [See graceli theory of astronomy structuring [eighth graceli theory of astronomy].

Thus, bodies do not fall toward a gravitational center and even has an action in inverse proportion, therefore, the nature of the movement is to be cross and removal, or jumps or bamboleios. Because this can be confirmed in the movements of rotation of all the stars, an example in the pool with balls that float on water while the pool is being emptied. Another example is a top rotating a magnetic system, where the range of the magnetism of the body part and the whole magnetic field being a single body system action. Where the spinning top does not touch on the subject that produces magnetism and remains in space [magnetic body space] in their rotation. We at this point are systems that act and not the center of the stars, and that all motion is inherently variable and transverse relative and indefinite.

The system on system can explain the anomalous motions of galaxies, and bamboleios of planets and satellites. And can you explain the orbital and rotational planning of the stars.

Thursday graceli law - the action of transverse bands graceli - tides, currents, thermal, magnetic pole movements, currents atmospheres, earthquakes, and others, are more intense in full and new moons by this stage that they are in the plan action graceli bands, ie, the moon is not acting on the tides and other phenomena, but the magnetic energy graceli the tracks that are on the ecliptic plane. Well, the ecliptic itself is produced by the action of magnetic tracks graceli.

While during the waning crescent moon and is the same distance from the earth and has no direct effect on the tides, is why she is part of the plan of the tracks graceli. And what acts are not the moons, but the energy of the bands graceli plan. And this is what produces the transverse motion of the moon.
We have further evidence on this point that the movements are not directed to centers and mass stars, but rather it is a system action on the system. In the case in relation to age graceli action is transverse to translation and rotation and that follows an extreme parity to the plane of the tracks.

Graceli principle of transversality movements. [Nature of the movements are transverse and not be directed to a center].
That is, we have the transversality of rotation and translation relative to the star. And we have the transversality of action in relation to rotation and translation.
In phase system graceli the same already listed the variations in which each phenomenon happens at each stage as the star, or systems move away from their primary. [See published on the Internet].

In graceli system on systems that can prove how a system can act and carries other systems without changing the movements of all the stars and smaller systems, such as the action of the sun silted planets and satellites, but does not deform the movements of satellites.
Friday graceli law - action on systems of systems.
Thus, the system of magnetic action on magnetic systems can have an action bigger and fuller than an action where the stars are connected by mass center for the production of their movements. For if it were the sun acts on the planet would also act on satellites twisting movements of the same. For, as the planet moves in the system of the sun, he also manages to move satellites around her, and everyone in their magnetic systems move around the sun. That is, the action is not on the astro astro, but system-on system - we have the example of the top al rotated [across] on the magnetic system without touching the body that produces the magnetic field.

Seventh law graceli - rotation as the first agent in the production of translation. And following chirality. That is, the action does not occur bodies on bodies, or of forces on bodies, but power systems on systems with magnetic bodies [stars] and extensions of magnetic energy in space. For that the sun besides moving across the planets also move the satellites without altering the orbits of the planets around them.
In the case of systems of systems have fisicológicos movements within the stars, the movements of currents and atmospheric wet and thermal belts atmospheric movements, and movements of rings around planets. That is, we have the rotation being the first action of the translation, because the translation arises from the rotation - at this point we have the system in rotation and chiral system following the direction of the movement.

An example of movement that can not be otherwise is not to be transversal rotational movement. And that has a direct relationship with the internal energy of the star and the magnetic energy of the system.
And there is a centripetal movement with action, because there is no other possibility but to be cross.
Another movement that escapes this conception is the centripetal movement of launches and jumps, which are antisense to the body emitter.
Eighth graceli law - Relativity movements in relation to the origin and nature.

Another movement that escapes this design are the movements of flows bamboleios, vibrations.
That is, it is on its nature and the conditions under which it is. And the nature of the movement is to be dynamic, variable and relative.

The rotation of the stars pass through phases of systems graceli, from ascending to descending when the power itself of them are in decline. [See theory phase graceli]. Other variations also depend on placements bands and layers graceli [see graceli theory of stages], and this corroborates graceli laws, and theories of phases and systems theories graceli.

Other movements and their intensities accelerations also go through changes in stages. As the translation, recession, and movements within the ranges graceli parity. The acceleration of eccentricity and inclination also undergo these changes and relativity phases graceli systems.

Transverse translational motion = 1 + = magnetic system magnetic system 2 / [distance = speed of light] / progression away.

MT = t = sm1 + sm2 / [d = c] / pd.

Mercury = 1,000 + 1 / 3.12 / 6.6 = 48 km / second.
Venus = 1,000 + 1 / 5.7 / 4.4 = 39.8
Earth = 1,000 + 1/8 / 4.1 = 30.4
Mars = 1,000 + 1 / 12.16 / 3.2 = 24.8
Jupiter = 1,000 + 50/40/2 = 13.1
Saturn = 1,000 + 50/76 / 1.4 = 9.8
Uranus = 1,000 + 1/150 = 6.6
Neptune = 1,000 + 1/240 = 4.1
Pluto +1 = 1000/316 = 3.1 km / second.
The distance minutes at the speed of sunlight land is 8 minutes, then graceli use minutes rather than seconds for the speed of light.
And the result of the translational velocity of the planets will be used latter, because the values ​​are best known in seconds.
For the system of magnetism from the sun with its extension graceli uses the value being 1,000 per round number, however, the volume of the sun in relation to the volume of the earth is 1400.

And also the magnetism varies, therefore, varies by positioning the disks [tracks] graceli and internal rotation of the magnetic pole itself.

Since the first and the second magnetic system is contained between the two systems.

The second is the speed of light in the distance.

And the third is an index of progress decreasing with distance that ranges from 1.5 to 1.1.

That is, for the magnetic system of Graceli is not an action of force on mass, but rather in extending system on system extension. And the action is not centripetal [toward the center], but in nature the action is transverse, this can be confirmed in rotational movements that are transverse, and transverse movements and graceli bamboleios.

That is, contradicting and negating the action of centripetal force [pulling the center], and contradicting and negating the action of attraction in a single inertial system, because the stars can be launched, and have transverse and rotational movements, and according to the constitution chemical and magnetic energy can be driven, drawn or thrown aside [ie, becomes relative to chemically and physically, and variable]. And the move is part of the nature of the energy of the stars, so the movement is natural and there is no rest or uniform motion natural.

Thus, as with a bowl filled with water which seeps through an outlet in the center and the output is deeper than the edge can be observed that the further from the bowl translation and rotation is smaller and larger, and when the basin will accelerate the emptying rotational movement between changes in rotation and translation becomes increasingly diminishing.

This happens with the movements of the planets, we see that Mercury and Venus rotation has negligible proportion in the translation, as vai moving away from the earth on the rotation becomes increasing and decreasing translation. This can be confirmed with all the planets and satellites.

But this follows other parameters that have been treated in the system graceli of astronomy and astronomy phases and tracks and layers graceli. [See published on the Internet].

But the rotation following variables increasing and decreasing phases of the tracks and layers graceli - is growing while the star moves away from the primary and within the layers and tracks. And when falling off the tracks and layers graceli. When the star system and only follow with your energy. For, as he departs loses its own power and temperature disintegrates because of this energy, thus leading to declining steadily all accelerations of all movements.

More evidence of the system's magnetic action is on the tides, gravitation theory because it relates to the action of gravity on the masses ocean, however, if the action of the moon would be in all the phases of the moon, because in all phases the moon is near the ground, and the waning crescent and the moon is closest to Earth, the tides and has its highest summits in the full and new. And if the action of the sun would be only the new, because the new moon is closest to the sun and where the sun would have a greater gravitational pull. However, the apex of the tides is the new and full. This demonstrates that it is not the moon or the gravitational fields acting on the oceans causing the tides, but the position of the earth relative to the plane of the magnetic tracks graceli space.
For tracks graceli produce other phenomena as the ecliptic, Jupiter's atmospheric belts, magnetic poles, precession, rings, rotation and translation alignments and planning astronomical, atomic and cosmic [of galaxies and clusters].

The tracks graceli produce phenomena that occur on the moon, as the atmospheric tides, variations in phase of full and new. Etc.

Precession - a slight variation in the rotation [as the top of a top of the vertical offset] depends on the positioning in relation to age graceli.

Other changes occur in relation to the tracks and layers graceli. For short-period comets too long and contains the largest inclinations and eccentricities, such as planets and satellites and asteórides.
As also the closest contains less rotation and when they leave tracks graceli start a more accelerated rotation and declines. That is, increasing and decreasing.

The system graceli magnetic systems occurs on systems with magnetic action of the sun and its planets and satellites prologamento on an action carrying of any system that is an extension of the spatial magnetic sun. Which produces the movement of chirality.

The theory graceli phases are related to the variations that occur before, in and after the layers and strips graceli while the star moves away gradually and slowly during movement of recession. That is, while the astronomias before graceli were related to changes with regard to translation, on the other hand astronomy, cosmology and fisicologia graceli deal of variation occurs while movement away [recession].

Already graceli produce tracks astronomy planning, discs, belts atmospheric, and others. Where are the phenomena produced parity in space [of extremes for the plan].

The fisicologia graceli deals with phenomena within the stars as if they were a phenomenal body or system.

The energeticidade graceli replaced by action only when it leaves the tracks and layers graceli occurring phenomena of inversion and retrogracidade. Progressive instability.

Another phenomenon that test theories of magnetic systems graceli on systems, and not centripetal action [action attraction to the center], where the action of transversality is natural, ie, part of the very nature of the movement, and to be the transverse motion in nature do not need strength, and that the action is not on the mass and center bodies is when we see that the sun's magnetic system carries [drag] planets and satellites like one body, and it is.

Rotation is one more example of natural lateral movement.
The rotation of the stars proves the system graceli magnetic systems on systems on the theory of gravitation, thus the rotation when the next star is negligible, and this can be confirmed with Venus, Mercury, the Moon and other celestial bodies. That is, the movement does not vary with the inverse distance as was advocated by the theories of Kepler, Newton, Einstein. But follows variations within the ranges and stages graceli layers, because as energy and great proximity to rotation can be minimal, and this can be confirmed in the theories of stages of graceli.

Beyond the stars can use the example of leaking pool, or a bowl full leaking, or a pool with a propeller spinning in the center of it, because if we put balls on the water will see that the closest most will have less rotation and translation and while they move away from the acceleration of the two movements are reversed, ie the proportion occurring expulsion [movement of recession] increases the rotation and translation decreases. However, this is an example for a swimming pool.
What a system for astronomical phases through graceli, which leave from the tracks and layers graceli the star produce their movements only with your energy, and as the energy is being spent and disintegrated all movements will be slowed down, and misaligned.

With this rotation to the theories of Kepler, Newton and Einstein did not work because the closer a system of rotation will be lower, and this goes against the action of the inverse of the distance.

So for this graceli presents the theory and the cross-cutting nature of launches, systems of systems, and the theory of stages graceli passing lanes and graceli layers, and energeticidade.

Relativity graceli to the conditions and positions.

We have a cafq to the conditions and positions.
Condition inside the star.
Within the tracks and layers graceli.
Off the tracks and layers graceli and power alone.
And when positioning relative to the tracks near graceli [near and within the ranges graceli have a cafq, and when we had another cafq. And this happens with all the phenomena of cafq graceli, so we have a uniqueness about the general equivalence of variations and values ​​in relation to the conditions. And in infinite values ​​and a tiny scale leads to indeterminism.
This completely changes our view of the universe, and goes beyond the current physical. Well, we cafq graceli regarding the conditions and positions.

One example is the spiral galaxies that form as physical and cosmological. Or rotations of stars that once inside the tracks and layers graceli has accelerated and has another out when accelerating. This happens with the inclinations, eccentricities, schedules, etc..

In metaphysics we relativity regarding the temporal cosmic stage. And way relativity with another action programativa and absolute power cosmic, transcendental and vital. [See graceli metaphysical stage cosmic time].

The twenty dimensions graceli also become concerning conditions, internships and placements.

The same applies to the variable geometry conditions for the modification of shapes and values.

As the physical and graceli cafq are relative to conditions, placements and internships at twenty graceli dimensions are also on the same conditions, for while the former was in physics and inertial systems related to gravity, since the system is graceli related to energy, placements, conditions, and temporal and cosmic stages. And the twenty graceli dimensions that are also related to energy potencialdiades, movements, etc.. And not the observers and the space and time. The twenty dimensions graceli cafq graceli and unify as one thing - dimensioned cafq graceli. And they also vary in the same conditions and values, thus we relativity unified graceli, and the same dimensions and indeterminalidade to cafq graceli.

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