Graceli versus Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Einstein.
quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2013
Some fundamentals of the system graceli, and phenomenal full.
Graceli versus Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Einstein.
From Copernicus to Einstein little has changed. At first the sun in the center, with the Kepler equal areas in equal times, with Newton's gravity pulling inward with the Einstein warping of space into a concavity where the side would be limited in its translation.
Graceli addresses the four systems.
Along with the sun puts graceli plane magnetic tracks where the stars also would move toward the plane of the ecliptic, and this also goes for the planning of the axes of rotation of all the stars, with a few exceptions with a more transverse.
Along with areas graceli puts changing orbits of comets, and periods where translations are not repeated, nor times orbits are equal. View systems graceli orbits and rotations inversion continued.
Along with Newton graceli places that gravity does not respond to all phenomena, including rotations, shapes of stars, chemical constitution, functioning energy, and potential energy within chemical elements like uranium and thorium. The severity ee nor the curvature of space does not respond to superluminal inflation of the cosmos, nor super rotation of galaxies, does not answer the origin of spiral galaxies and unfolds. For the full Graceli can substantiate phenomenal chemistry to cosmology.
Along with Einstein graceli responds that the operation does not work in the cosmos curvature of space, but in phenomenality, for it underlies the whole phenomenal Graceli. And that puts the stars has two fundamental forms of motion and the other a flat curve. And it fits in well in translation and rotation.
Graceli introducing mutualism and mutabilismo within chemistry, physics, astronomy and cosmology.
And in terms of introducing the quantum graceli causificação, ie what existed without a cause shall have a cause.
The system can predict graceli energy jets made by galaxies, and even ejection radiation from stars like the sun happen. And even jets of auroras and even lightning during thunderstorms.
This also happens with all other stars in larger and smaller quantities. That's a phenomenal full graceli can easily prove.
As well as the formation of transverse phenomena like spiral arms and eject the poles. This we see in northern and southern auroras, and even the formation of galaxies.
We see this also in the peripheries of the particles and their poles, as quantum polar ejections graceli.
This other theories have failed to prove.
The phenomenal integral graceli can prove the cause of the formation of rings, atmospheric belts, the asteroid belts. The ecliptic. And the alignment of the rotational axes and planning among all the stars in the solar system.
Quantum waves and vibration graceli.
Waves of energy and radiation fields, ie, the energy propagates in waves of varying intensity and exponential.
And even a particle in motion it keeps an internal movement and peripheral vibration graceli.
What produces this fluxons graceli of vibration is internal electricity and magnetism in action on one another.
Alguns fundamentos do sistema graceli, e fenomênica integral.
Graceli versus Copérnico, Kepler, Newton, Einstein.
De Copérnico a Einstein pouca coisa mudou. No primeiro o sol no centro, com Kepler as áreas iguais em tempos iguais, com Newton a gravidade puxando para dentro, com Einstein a curvatura do espaço numa concavidade para dentro onde os secundários estariam limitados na sua translação.
Graceli ataca os quatro sistemas.
Junto com o sol coloca as faixas graceli de plano magnético onde os astros também se moveriam em direção ao plano da eclíptica, e isto também vale para a planificação dos eixos de rotações de todos os astros, com exceções de alguns com um plano mais transversal.
Junto com as áreas graceli coloca as órbitas mutáveis dos cometas, onde períodos e translações não se repetem, e nem tempos de orbitas são iguais. Ver sistemas de graceli de órbitas e rotações de inversão continuadas.
Junto a Newton graceli coloca que a gravidade não responde a todos os fenômenos, inclusive as rotações, formas de astros, constituição química, funcionamento de energias, e energias potenciais dentro de elementos químicos como a do urânio e tório. A gravidade e e nem a curvatura do espaço não responde a inflação superluminal dos cosmo, e nem a super rotação de galáxias, não responde a origem dos espirais e planificações de galáxias. Pois, a fenomênica integral Graceli consegue fundamentar da química até a cosmologia.
Junto a Einstein graceli responde que o funcionamento do cosmo não funciona em curvaturas de espaço, mas em fenomenalidade, para isto fundamenta a fenomênica integral Graceli. E coloca que os astros tem duas formas fundamentais de movimento uma plana e outra curva. E isso se enquadra na translação e também na rotação.
Graceli instaura o mutualismo e o mutabilismo dentro da química, física, astronomia e cosmologia.
E em termos de quântica graceli instaura a causificação, ou seja, o que existia sem causa passa a ter uma causa.
O sistema graceli consegue prever os jatos de energias feitos por galáxias, e mesmo ejeção de radiação de estrelas como acontecem com o sol. E mesmo os jatos das auroras e mesmo dos raios durante os temporais.
Isto também acontecem com todos os outros astros, em maiores e em menores quantidades. Isso a fenomênica integral graceli consegue provar com facilidade.
Como também a formação de fenômenos transversos como os braços de espirais e a ejeção pelos pólos. Isto vemos nas auroras boreal e austral, e mesmo na formação de galáxias.
Vemos isto também nas periferias das partículas e seus pólos, como ejeções quânticas polar graceli.
Isto as outras teorias não conseguiram provar.
A fenomênica integral graceli consegue provar a causa da formação dos anéis, dos cinturões atmosféricos, dos cinturões de asteróides. Da eclíptica. E do alinhamento e planificação dos eixos rotacionais entre todos os astros do sistema solar.
Ondas quânticas e vibracion graceli.
Ondas de energias de radiação e de campos, ou seja, a energia se propaga em ondas de intensidades variadas e exponenciais.
E mesmo uma partícula em movimento ela mantém um movimento interno e periférico de vibracion graceli.
O que produz este fluxons graceli de vibracion é a eletricidade e o magnetismo interno, na ação de um sobre o outro.
Some fundamentals of the system graceli, and phenomenal full.
Graceli versus Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Einstein.
From Copernicus to Einstein little has changed. At first the sun in the center, with the Kepler equal areas in equal times, with Newton's gravity pulling inward with the Einstein warping of space into a concavity where the side would be limited in its translation.
Graceli addresses the four systems.
Along with the sun puts graceli plane magnetic tracks where the stars also would move toward the plane of the ecliptic, and this also goes for the planning of the axes of rotation of all the stars, with a few exceptions with a more transverse.
Along with areas graceli puts changing orbits of comets, and periods where translations are not repeated, nor times orbits are equal. View systems graceli orbits and rotations inversion continued.
Along with Newton graceli places that gravity does not respond to all phenomena, including rotations, shapes of stars, chemical constitution, functioning energy, and potential energy within chemical elements like uranium and thorium. The severity ee nor the curvature of space does not respond to superluminal inflation of the cosmos, nor super rotation of galaxies, does not answer the origin of spiral galaxies and unfolds. For the full Graceli can substantiate phenomenal chemistry to cosmology.
Along with Einstein graceli responds that the operation does not work in the cosmos curvature of space, but in phenomenality, for it underlies the whole phenomenal Graceli. And that puts the stars has two fundamental forms of motion and the other a flat curve. And it fits in well in translation and rotation.
Graceli introducing mutualism and mutabilismo within chemistry, physics, astronomy and cosmology.
And in terms of introducing the quantum graceli causificação, ie what existed without a cause shall have a cause.
The system can predict graceli energy jets made by galaxies, and even ejection radiation from stars like the sun happen. And even jets of auroras and even lightning during thunderstorms.
This also happens with all other stars in larger and smaller quantities. That's a phenomenal full graceli can easily prove.
As well as the formation of transverse phenomena like spiral arms and eject the poles. This we see in northern and southern auroras, and even the formation of galaxies.
We see this also in the peripheries of the particles and their poles, as quantum polar ejections graceli.
This other theories have failed to prove.
The phenomenal integral graceli can prove the cause of the formation of rings, atmospheric belts, the asteroid belts. The ecliptic. And the alignment of the rotational axes and planning among all the stars in the solar system.
Quantum waves and vibration graceli.
Waves of energy and radiation fields, ie, the energy propagates in waves of varying intensity and exponential.
And even a particle in motion it keeps an internal movement and peripheral vibration graceli.
What produces this fluxons graceli of vibration is internal electricity and magnetism in action on one another.
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